Digital Drives

The spirit of motion control

Professional Servo Drives

Designed and built to offer high standards of quality and efficiency.

Maximum quality and all-Italian technology, carefully curated in every phase.

Control for brushless, continuous and asynchronous motors and perfect realtime connectivity with PLC and numerical controls.

Powers up to 130kW capable of controlling brushless motors, asynchronous motors and DC motors.

Control from both analogue and EtherCat, ProfiNet, CanOpen and Modbus protocols.

An Ethernet port allows connection to the corporate network and also remote monitoring.

Easy to program, they connect via USB port to the fast Caliper management software


servo-drives for flexible and powerful 400VAC networks,

operation on 400VAC networks with current sizes up to 200 A

power ratings up to 130kW

piloting both from analogue and from EtherCat, ProfiNet, CanOpen and Modbus protocols.

Useful for checking the spindle heads

Control of linear brushless motors equipped with linear encoders

Asynchronous motor control both in Volt / Hertz and in Vector


servo-drives for flexible and versatile 230VAC networks

operation on single-phase and three-phase networks

current up to 10A corresponding to nominal powers up to 3kW

control of brushless, asynchronous, direct current servomotors with permanent and linear magnets


Servo-drives with 400VAC three-phase power supply to control brushless, asynchronous and DC motors m.p. with powers up to 2kW

Control of rotary and linear synchronous (brushless) motors

Direct current motor control with permanent magnets equipped with encoder

Asynchronous / spindle motor control in V / F (Volt / Hertz) or FOC (Vector) control with frequencies up to 1200Hz

Safe Torque-OFF safety function

Suitable for CANopen bus to the ever versatile Modbus up to the powerful EtherCAT CoE and the imperative ProfiNet


Servo-driver suitable for the management of any type of motor, Brushless rotary, linear, asynchronous, direct current spindle with permanent magnets

Servo-driver with single and three-phase 230VAC power supply to control brushless, asynchronous and DC motors. m.p. with powers up to 2kW

Unique in its size to have the DC Bus to be able to exchange the energy generated by the motor during slowdown with other drives


Servo-drive in a package that fits in the palm of your hand

Low voltage DC power supply, from 20 to 80VDC, current sizes up to 13A for a power up to 900W for sinusoidal control of brushless and direct current motors

Analog drive, pulse train and 4 field buses. Give the best to your applications

Software Robotest

Robotest, an interface software tool between PCs based on operating systemsMicrosoft Windows.

Robotest designed to make it easy to calibrate the entire series of servo drives and engines.

Robotest in addition to selecting applications, saving and loading data, includes a powerful professional oscilloscope, autophasing tools, automatic cogging reduction, observer for vibration reduction, Fieldbus analyzer
many other functions to help you better tune your applications

For product specifications download the Technical Manual and the dedicated Brochure from the Download Area